
Meaning of Petition

According to standing order No. 194 a  petition means a written prayer to the County Assembly by a member of the public requesting the County Assembly to consider any matter within its authority, including enacting, amending or repealing any legislation.

Submission of a Petition

The following conditions prevails according to standing order No. 195:

  1. A petition to the County Assembly shall be –
    1. Submitted to the Clerk by the petitioner and reported to the County Assembly by the Speaker; or
    2. Presented by a Member on behalf of a petitioner, with the consent of the Speaker.
  2. Notwithstanding paragraph (1) (b), a Member shall not be eligible to present a petition on his own behalf.
  3. The Clerk shall, within seven days of the date of receipt of the petition, review the petition to ascertain whether the petition meets the requirements of these Standing orders and of the law.
  4. Where the Clerk considers that a petition does not comply with paragraph (3), the
    Clerk may give such directions as are necessary to ensure that the petition is amended to comply with that paragraph.
  5. The Clerk shall, if satisfied that the petition meets the requirements under paragraph (3), forward the petition to the Speaker for tabling in the County Assembly.

In the County Assembly of Vihiga there have been several petitions. Table below represents a summary of some of the petitions received.

Petitions Submitted
