Sectoral Committees

Departmental/Sectoral Committees are established under the provisions of S.O. No. 191. Its members are nominated by the House Business Committee in consultation with County Assembly parties at the commencement of every session.

The Vihiga County Assembly Sectoral committees are as follows;

  1. Committee on Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries
    The function of the committee relates to livestock, fisheries and cooperative development, production and marketing in the County.
    This committee is responsible for all matters that relate to Agriculture, irrigation, livestock, fisheries development and veterinary services
  2. Committee on Health Services
    It considers all matters relating to medical services, public health and sanitation.
  3. Children, Culture and Community Services Committee.
    This committee considers all matters relating to the welfare of children, preservation, protection and advancement of intrinsic cultural practices and provision of community services.
  4. Committee on Early Childhood Education and Vocational Training.
    It considers issues of early childhood education, training and advancement of youth polytechnics in the County.
  5. Committee on Labor and Social Welfare
    This committee is mandated to consider all matters relating to manpower and human resource planning, gender, culture and social welfare, national heritage, public entertainment, public amenities, and recreation.
  6. Justice and Legal Welfare Committee.
    Deals with constitutional affairs, administration of law and justice, human rights integrity, elections and public prosecutions.
  7. Committee on Finance
    To investigate inquiries into and report on all matters relating to coordination, control and monitoring of the county budgets and to discuss and review the estimate of county government.
    It’s responsible for examining related money bills presented to the house. Oversees public finance, banking and insurance.
  8. Committee on Transport and  Infrastructure
    This committee is mandated to deal with all matters relating to transport, roads, public works, construction and maintenance of roads, railways and buildings, air, seaports, housing and communication. Oversees transport, roads and construction and maintenance of specific roads under the County Government mandate.
  9. Labour and Social Welfare Committee.
    Oversees  issues relating to Labour and Social welfare in the County.
  10. Lands, Housing and Urban Planning Committee.
    It considers issues of land and settlement, Housing and Urban planning. The committee is further charged with other roles as envisaged in standing order no. 191.
  11. Environment Water and Natural Resources Committee.
    It considers issues of forestry, irrigation, wildlife, environment and mining.
  12. Public Service and Administration Committee.
    It examines the quality and standards of administration within the civil service and scrutinizes the reports of the house. It also looks at the services provided by the house for both members of the house and the public.
  13. Committee on Trade, Industrialization and Tourism
    The committee examines issues relating to the development of trade, industrialization and tourism development in the county.

    pjsbmjts_vihigauserSectoral Committees